The politicians only fulfill their demands for their sake only, but when it comes to the citizens their promises are always flattery just to make the people jackass. What the politicians are concerned is about their sears for the higher post. When the election approach near they roam like a hungry fox for the votes, they shout among the innocent citizens to fulfill all their demands and after they won the election they forget everything.
Everyone is selfish here. Politicians sit for hundreds of meetings with thousands of discussions but neither of them is able to reach towards a single discussion also the government is never certain, education, health and others things are not managed property
What our main problem is our political system is very weak. The politicians especially are of traditional thoughts; the thoughts of skilled youngsters are not involved. The people who must be retired are involved in politics, who themselves are not certain about their lives; promise to built the future of nation. So there isn’t unity among the political leaders and youngsters. That is why more youngster and adults migrate to foreign nations and remained there are only the children and aged people and our development is too slow like walking of snail.
Thus, if we can develop unity among each other then defiantly some changes can take place; else only the thing we can o is to pray to god.
Yeah Its true that Politician roam like hungry fox for the votes during election.
Wow!!! Check it out
Fucking true when election is near they roam like hungry fox...then after the election they forgot everything...
3578 you11111
Wow!It's true that 8s the problem of our country
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