The full-form of AIDS is Acquired Immuno Deficency Syndrom. It is a communicable disease. It is a disease that caused by the Human Immuno-deficency virus that mainly attacks the immune system and results the faliure of human immune system.This virus slowly by slowly deceases the effectiveness of the immune system and leave an individual's susceptable to more opportunistic diseases and tumors. HIV is transfered through one individual to another individual through the direct contact of contaminated blood or through the mucous of an infected person. This can also transfer to a new born child from its infected mother.
This virus can transmit also through oral, anal, vaginal sex, blood transfusion, use of contaminated hyodermic needle used by infected individual, exchange between child and her mother during the time of pregnancy, breast feeding, childbirth or other exposure to one suffering from this HIV virus.
AIDS has now become pandemic. During 2007, the estimation was about 33,2 million peoples were suffering , and about 2.1 million people along with 0.3 million children were killed by this virus.
Scientists discovered that this HIV originated during the late 19th from western Africa. This disease was first recognized by Centres for Disease control and Prevention of U.S. during 1981 and the cause during 1980s.
Although the treatment for this disease has begun but till now the vaccine or cure. Now a days a vaccine called antietroviral treatment reduces both mortality and the morbidity of this HIV virus, but the main problem of this vaccine is that it is expensive, routine access to this vaccine
This virus can transmit also through oral, anal, vaginal sex, blood transfusion, use of contaminated hyodermic needle used by infected individual, exchange between child and her mother during the time of pregnancy, breast feeding, childbirth or other exposure to one suffering from this HIV virus.

Scientists discovered that this HIV originated during the late 19th from western Africa. This disease was first recognized by Centres for Disease control and Prevention of U.S. during 1981 and the cause during 1980s.
Although the treatment for this disease has begun but till now the vaccine or cure. Now a days a vaccine called antietroviral treatment reduces both mortality and the morbidity of this HIV virus, but the main problem of this vaccine is that it is expensive, routine access to this vaccine
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