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No Money: No Honey

‘Life is too short’-that we believe but if we are to it than it’s too long. If we think about it systematically then it’s difficult to get over it. Since, we are born we need to eat to survive, and for that money is the master that controls all. If one is rich enough then, he is safe else the feeling of insecurity hunts him day by day.
Money is very good but it is bad too. It is the one to master your brain to force to do either good or bad works. To support this view an example to justify it is a son kills a father for money. A daughter is sold by a father just for sake of money. What here means is money is responsible too change anything.
With a little education, one can be a doctor, pilot, or an engineer or we all are unsafe in our own home, among our own family, who knows who is in the lust of money. Your beloved is with your forever if you are well loaded but when you aren’t even a wife who promised to be with you even in all critical situations can’t give the guarantee.
Money is a thing when you have also you have to be in insecurity, thinking that you will be bankrupt or kidnapped. But even if you don’t have also then it’s difficult to be a part of security. Thus, it is very needy basic needs in the life of a man, that is responsible to judge our life,

Environment pollution

Environmental pollution has been a serious matter of the world wide today; creating a big headache in the nature. The environment wasn’t like this before’ but humans being the most intelligent creature on the earth is responsible for its degradation. The population is increasing beyond the capacity of the nature; which results increment in the basic needs
In order to satisfy their needs humans are deploying the environment. When the population consumer excessive foods, as per the waste materials are increased too, which is again directly mixed into the water source resulting water pollution; but we fail to realize it.
Day-by-day the age of science and technique is being more advanced. It is no longer fails to produce its modern efficient devices in order to run the life with comfort and luxury. These devices are producing more harmful gases that are mixed in air resulting air pollution. But doesn’t matter to the people as they can relieve themselves a from pollution staying in a air conditioning room; but it matters to our environment.
Different musical instruments and equipments are available in the market. We get lot of pleasure listening to it; but what we don’t realize is we are creating the noise pollution by depleting the environment.
In conclusion, our life span is increasing day by day, but if we give a glance to the environment then it is hardly in its last stage. The only the cure is just to handle it with care, so as to sustain its life. As we are its doctor or to cure the disease just let us try to conserve it.


The pricking of the tattoo, if compared to past is quite different. Regarding the cultural aspect, pricking tattoo was, compulsion to an each Negro, before the colours weren’t available and it would be of handmade and hence it was painful. Nowadays, by the help of the machine tattoo can easily be pricked out has been more effective among the new generations
If we glance through the health point making tattoo is too dangerous. The machine pricked

The modern society, especially the hip-hop singer and media personalities are more responsible to attract the people about tattoos. They find themselves stylish when they print the tattoos. But is is not generally liked by the traditional people. Therefore they predict those people as criminals and hate them.
In conclusion, tattoo seems to be good but just to show off, else if one goes through its defects than it is not beneficial to us. What the thing we must realize is health is our wealth and we look good to our natural looks and one must avoid to artificial looks.


Everyone tends to make special people cherish on a special day. In a mother’s day there goes a competition. On which son or a daughter to make other happy, so there goes on a father’s day too. One throws out a grand party for a big celebration that makes our heart joyous and a day special.
If it is about some national event something special and extra ordinary program is organized. In a children’s day children are served with good foods and might be some special gifts to make

It is the fact thing that we are the one to make a day special. We pray to god that not to make our special person’s eye filled with tear, but when the day is gone it’s just vice-versa. It’s the time to make every day special with every one being special be joyous in life. Let us tend make a sad day special too with our special efforts during away all the sorrows but only the happiness. Just let us give a special respect to every people because life is not bad but we are the one to make it bad.


We can find the symptoms among our grand papers. Loss of appetite and tiredness is seen among the aged people. They eat less, so nutritious and soft foods should be served as their digestive system becomes weaker. They get hungry very soon so we mustn’t be irritated when they ask for food, but one must feel that ageing is waiting for us. An aged people gets tired and are found retired. It is because their physical capability

Aged persons are forgetful, so they cannot memories things as we do, but we should always be with them,. Problems like loss of heaving and eyesight is found among them. Thus a special care is needed for them. Their habits seemed like childish; being stubborn and aggressive for anything they see or talk about.
Old people often talk to themselves. They wanted their son, daughter and grandchildren always be with them. But the world is morning forward modernization, and in the age of science and technology one find busy. This business of life makes them detached from their family. This makes the old people lonely and uncared. Most in European nations hire a caring person at their home; but even though their mind won’t satisfy and they are found tensed.

It is the fact that they should be cared and it is our duty. We must listen to them even though we don’t want to and should give positive response to it. It is just because no one is sure about his or her life but ageing is certain and it has its own time to come that no one can ignore. Despite the modern surgery or cosmetics invented by science. The truth here is science can’t deny time.


English is one of the richest languages of the world and has become the language of science, trade and commerce and negotiations. It just cannot be ignored if one is seeking higher education, so one will be able to reap huge benefits if this education, so one will be able to reap huge benefits if this language is learnt properly. In the scientific world, about sixty percent of the world’s research is done in English and the rest of whatever is done in other language is immediately translated into English. So, it is necessary to know English or he will cut himself off from the world of knowledge.
So, we can conclude that if we want remain in touch with the outside world, we have to retain English because in today’s context English language is most important language in the world.


Women deserve the respect and equal status that has been denied them. The mother is, after all the most important person in the life of a child. The child learns to walk and speak his words from his mother. The child needs the proper care and attention of an educated woman. The WHO, in its recent study has proved that children of literate and educated women suffer less illness and malnutrition than that of uneducated women. More uneducated women die during delivery than educated women. The children of educated women are better brought up than the children of the educated.
This is not just a comparison between the educated and

The women also can play an important role in society. They can work wonders with the old and the sick. They can look after the babies of other women and can give t proper sound maternal advice on baby care and pregnancy, for womanly instincts in baby care are unmatched.
Educating our women will not only make the child healthier and happier, but also will go a long way in social reform and make this country a better place.
scholarships for moms

Youth and responsibility

An adult is independent only if that person can live without his or her parent’s financial assistance. Many young adults believe that age eighteen is the appropriate age to announce their independence; but it is these same, immature youths that cannot afford to pay any bills because they attend school.
Statistics show that teenager’s have the majority of the wrecks in proportion to the percentage of the population they represent. Because these adolescents do not need to pay bills, they fail to realize just how much damage a vehicle can create. It is this lack of responsibility that alone can produce havoc in the lives of many people. Normal household chores

Work is very important to many people. One person’s salary can provide food, fun, and entertainment for an entire family. The only way to enjoy life is to enjoy work, but many teenagers work in environment s that provides that provide minimal advancement and are on the bottom of the pay scale. Without sufficient funds, one cannot be reliable. Whether reliability includes being somewhere on time or paying a bill, an adult cannot be late on a regular basis and except respect from others.
Life without parental supervision can have many benefits, but any teenager looking down the road for life to pick them up will soon be passed by. Respect is earned, and an adult should have respect for himself or herself as well as others. Adulthood includes a great deal of independence, responsibility, and reliability.

School education: the farce

Education can be obtained formally and informally. The education we get at schools and colleges is termed formal education and the education we get at home regarding family values and social relationships is called informal education.
There is proverb “if you are planning for a year, sow rice, if you are planning for ten years plant trees but if you are planning for hundred years, educate people”. Education is backbone of a society. It holds the foundation of civilizations and development.
Today, in the context of Nepal, the problems faced by students are numerous. The poorer people do not have access to good quality education. The government schools do not provide the quality that is needed to complete in today’s world.

To better the standard of education, the government needs to look seriously into the matter. If things are not changed now and the business setup dismantled, the whole system will collapse like a house of cards that it is.

Social discrimination in Nepal

Our society being male dominant prefers more sons rather than daughter. Thinking that son will be the property inherit ant and will look after the property in their older age, they urge that the women should give birth to sons. Daughters on the other hand; thinking that they have to go away to their husbands house are taken care.
In our society there is discrimination between higher and lower caste people. The higher class
Thus Nepalese people are of traditional0concept, so there is discrimination among the people which results to inequality and untouchability. This is also one of the major cause to hamper the unity of the people that slows down our developmental process.

Caste system in Nepal

The Chettris people on the other hand are the brave fighter whose job in the ancient period was to fight against the enemies and serve as a guard to the nation. They are hence considered as the second superior people living in the society. Brahmins and Chhetris are generally binded by their sacred thread “janai” which makes them aware regarding the food and beverages like buff, pig, chicken, alcoholic drinks, etc. But due to modernizations these awareness is avoided be the modern people.
Vaishyas and shudras are another castes which have been rekn own as lower caste group in the since our ancient age. Vaishyas are considered as those groups which are considered as ‘panni

However, nowadays the social modernization has changed the concept of people, so they unite with each other and participate in each other’s festivals and other social functions.

Political instability in Nepal

The politicians only fulfill their demands for their sake only, but when it comes to the citizens their promises are always flattery just to make the people jackass. What the politicians are concerned is about their sears for the higher post. When the election approach near they roam like a hungry fox for the votes, they shout among the innocent citizens to fulfill all their demands and after they won the election they forget everything.
Everyone is selfish here. Politicians sit for hundreds of meetings with thousands of discussions but neither of them is able to reach towards a single discussion also the government is never certain, education, health and others things are not managed property
What our main problem is our political system is very weak. The politicians especially are of traditional thoughts; the thoughts of skilled youngsters are not involved. The people who must be retired are involved in politics, who themselves are not certain about their lives; promise to built the future of nation. So there isn’t unity among the political leaders and youngsters. That is why more youngster and adults migrate to foreign nations and remained there are only the children and aged people and our development is too slow like walking of snail.
Thus, if we can develop unity among each other then defiantly some changes can take place; else only the thing we can o is to pray to god.

Bunking college; a fashion

The students go for college just to relax and to enjoy, not even realizing that they are destroying their own future. The bunk has been one of the epidemic diseases which have spoiled good students also.
This bunking activity leads youngsters to different social crimes and evil activities. This might lead them to drug abuses, murder and the follow different harmful habits like smoking, drinking and chewing. The parents don’t realize it but they find themselves for to have their children now can make their future and think that they are following good path.
This activity should be stopped hence, unless it creates wide range of disorder in the education system and to the future of youngsters. Let us not see it among our children children and among their children and so on.

Mobile: fashion or necessity

In the prenatal period of the invention of mobile, it was used by the affiliated businessmen, just to make their business go more smoothly as they have to roam around to many places and it couldn’t be possible to take the telephones everywhere they go. Along with the phase of time the mobile companies invented mobiles models so wide that their prices also varied according to it. Thus, mobile became fashion for everyone.
Most commonly among the teenagers, its effect was more. As soon as their s.l.c is completed they find themselves difficult to adjust within their college mates. In our society also no one is found without mobiles. Now, mobiles companies had also added different sorts of services in which internet is also one.
The use of internet in mobile has increased the deformities among the teenage youngsters just as downloading different sorts of vulgar videos and many other nonsense things.
These days mobile has become so much cheaper that even the beggars are also able to effort it. No matters in coming days mobile will be sold out free one out of another, let us hope so.

Water condition in Nepal
Nepal is the country of 6000 water sources will be a good story to tell the children after few decades. We are just raising the water for our purpose only. We don’t care about others as per our selfish nature.

Our grandfathers used to drink water of the river; nowadays due to the smell no one dares to go near the water sources, drinking water from it is far apart to think. This leads to shortage of water supply. In a country like Nepal we are bound to pay for water. No one can say in twenty years period water’s price reaches the price value of gold.
Our government never realizes its importance.
As per our water source we can generate 83000 mega watt electricity, as per our potentially of economy we can generate 44000 megawatt but by god’s grace only 5.6 megawatt is generated.
Thus, there are the problems, which is responsible to create the deplorable state of the water sources. May we pray to god to save our water unless a miracle occurs.

Being a women: boon or curse

As for the rearing, it differs a lot especially in the Hindu society. As per our religion of Hindu son is considered to be the caretaker of the parents and the property to rear and care to them and for the daughters thinking them to be driven away to her husband’s home is not bothered much. Due to this kind of mentality, girls are not sending to school that kind of mentality to ignorance and backwardness of the status of women.
It is said that the half of the sky is covered by women, but who cares in this male dominant society, where a women does not have the feeling towards another women when a mother is unable to give birth to a son her mother-in –law hates her and gives her different kinds of tortures. This condition leads to our back warding in every aspect.
Our government is also not so strong. Only a minister’s effort make different program regarding women development are conformed within their speech only. When he returns home his authority ruins his wife and daughter. Our education system is not so practical based that is why the women are back warded in the terms of development.
Males are the superior part of the society so the interference of the women is not regarded well in our system that refers to our slow development process. Thus, naturally and biologically women are less strong and in capable blaming the society is far apart; which makes them as a curse rather boon.


In those rehabs different volunteers jointly work to recover her but they can’t bring her back to her ordinary status; neither the society accepts her. He won’t have her career, family and future, her life is gone forever, or can we make such a society-? Or is there any?
If we seek for solutions then there are lots of it – we should give education to female and that must be compulsory in every society gender equity and women empowerment. Employment opportunities should be given to every people who are poor. Another thing is strong security system should be imposed in the border areas where international traffickers won’t enter. Thus, if we do so we can definitely solve the problem from grass root level.

Dowry system in Nepal

A father (husband) gets worried when a daughter gets born in his home with the marital burden in his hand .he gets tensed about the arrangement of marriage. For the sake of the society and for his prestige he anyhow manages the financial arrangement with the huge amount the financial arrangement with the huge amount of loan burden over his head.
Actually it is the matter of question, why isn’t the system being abolished? A bride if fails to satisfy her mother in law is burnt alive. In Nepal approximately 50 to 60 percent of women are facing this problem mental, social and physical torture is given to a woman, whom she bears quietly alone, not even supported by her husband who promised to be with her in each and every step of life.
Our government somehow tried to abolish it but their laws were confirmed within their contribution only, not by the effort. We become glad that we are modernized but why our thoughts are too typical. More than half of the population is covered by woman but why they fear to raise their voice against this male dominated society? Why don’t women understand the feeling of other? We have the power to change the society but only a woman is not only sufficient for that.


This virus can transmit also through oral, anal, vaginal sex, blood transfusion, use of contaminated hyodermic needle used by infected individual, exchange between child and her mother during the time of pregnancy, breast feeding, childbirth or other exposure to one suffering from this HIV virus.

Scientists discovered that this HIV originated during the late 19th from western Africa. This disease was first recognized by Centres for Disease control and Prevention of U.S. during 1981 and the cause during 1980s.
Although the treatment for this disease has begun but till now the vaccine or cure. Now a days a vaccine called antietroviral treatment reduces both mortality and the morbidity of this HIV virus, but the main problem of this vaccine is that it is expensive, routine access to this vaccine

Tourist and reason for tourism

Man since antquiity(ancient time) is wanderlust(wants to explore). That is he loves to travel. He believes that travels broadens mind . visiting the place is worth scores of books on it.modern tourists visit places to know about the local people culture. Broadly speakin anyone who visit a place for holiday, health,conferenceec can be called a tourist.

The word “tourist” has been derived from the word “tour” which means “a journey at which one returns to starting point or a circular trip”. But the people who transfer another country for stay permanently, to take up occupation or the students who come for study, those travellers are not categories or classified as tourists.

Brain drain

This phenomena (brain drain) is common among the Brain drain is common among the developing countries, such as Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives, the former colonies of Britain, island nations’ of the Carrabin, and from those place where financial activities and not properly rewarded i.e.; Soviet Union, Former East Germany.
numerous underdeveloped and poor countries of During 1960s due to the loss of man-power fromsouth Asia this concept of brain drain got popularized. Main concern during this time was the emigration of all those who acquired the professional skills like engineers, doctors, scientists, pilots, etc towards other developed countries in the search of job opportunity and sustainability of themselves and their families.

During the war and political instability since 2003 , in Nepal also the many intellect and skilled personal had began the trend for emigration . It was impossible to reduce emigration.
Emigration cannot be stopped by can only be delayed. No one can say that emigration had completely stopped but can only say by what percentage does the emigration has decreased/delayed. For e.g., Doctors can be made not to migrate by make them work for minimum 2 years before the acquiring the license as an official doctor.
Emigration is usually seen in developed or destination countries. Emigration can be inhibited either in the destination or source countries. Developed or destination countries has the following characteristics
1. High skill levels
2. Immigration policies
3. Sufficient labour market
4. Probability of qualification
The main reason for the emigration is that people of the countries giving jobs prefer the certificate of the foreign countries and neglect the importance of the educated personal within the countries. They usually see that by which foreign universities

1. Providing proper job opportunity to skilled and trained manpower.
2. Establishment of good health care, security of life.
3. Security of the person’s property and family.
4. Generation of sufficient job opportunities.
5. Development of proper ground for the expressing of the talents of any individual
6. Construction of research centre
7. Providing every individuals with the complete knowledge of technological changes undertaken in the world technological market.

communicaion and its feature

As time passed on the way of communication has also changed rapidly. During the old ages the way of communication was by sending message through pigeons, by the use of postman, or by going to that own individual by travelling a long distance. But now-a-days due to the advancement of new technology the way of communication has also changed distinctly. Now people living in United States can communicate with his friends or relatives with the help of E-Mail, Telephone, Video chat etc. New technology also includes the media and newspaper.
Thus communication is a process by means of which

Like each and every one faces some kind of problems during their work, during communication also ther are some sort of problems/barriers’ (overload of message, message complexity, mis-translation of message). Every individual should try to overcome all the barriers’ inorder to make the communication effective.

Buddhist Architecture in Nepal
The chaitya built in early phase of Lichcchavi period were smaller in size, hemispherical domed, made from high quality of stone. So, with these common geometry, the Lichcchavi chaityas used to have many varieties and types. Comparing the sizes, the smaller chaityas used to stand in a squared base whereas the larger ones used to stand in a circular base. These chaityas and bihars are lavishly decorated giving a different kind of artistic touch to it.