‘Life is too short’-that we believe but if we are to it than it’s too long. If we think about it systematically then it’s difficult to get over it. Since, we are born we need to eat to survive, and for that money is the master that controls all. If one is rich enough then, he is safe else the feeling of insecurity hunts him day by day.
Money is very good but it is bad too. It is the one to master your brain to force to do either good or bad works. To support this view an example to justify it is a son kills a father for money. A daughter is sold by a father just for sake of money. What here means is money is responsible too change anything.
With a little education, one can be a doctor, pilot, or an engineer or we all are unsafe in our own home, among our own family, who knows who is in the lust of money. Your beloved is with your forever if you are well loaded but when you aren’t even a wife who promised to be with you even in all critical situations can’t give the guarantee.
Money is a thing when you have also you have to be in insecurity, thinking that you will be bankrupt or kidnapped. But even if you don’t have also then it’s difficult to be a part of security. Thus, it is very needy basic needs in the life of a man, that is responsible to judge our life,